HIPAA Compliant Texting App- All You Need To Know


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What is a HIPAA Compliant Texting App?

The HIPAA compliant texting app provides you with the secure messaging solutions that are meant for healthcare organizations that are looking forward to safeguarding electronic protected health information (ePHI) and at the same time, allowing authorized users to communicate with each other.

These apps meet the healthcare industry standards to ensure privacy and security and hence, give a secure alternative to text messaging during ePHI communication. The apps come with a secure messaging solution to ensure that system administrators get access to encrypted ePHI and the transmission of confidential data in compliance with HIPAA regulations.

Healthcare AppMost of the healthcare facilities keep communications safe by using secure texting and comply with industry regulations. However, out of all the available options, HIPAA compliant text app is a much-accepted app because of its multi-platform functionality and helpful features. The app is known to enhance increase productivity, enhance employee workflows, and raise the standard of patient healthcare.

How do Apps for Texting in Compliance with HIPAA Work?

The HIPAA compliant texting apps allow authorized users the access to a software-as-a-service “On Demand” platform that can send and receive ePHI in a HIPAA compliant manner. With administrative controls, the platform ensures the integrity of the ePHI at rest and in transit both. It comes with safeguards to prevent all types of unauthorized access like the ability to assign message “lifespans” so that communications delete automatically after a certain time period.

HIPPA AppWhen an authorized user wants to send some kind of information to the patients securely, the recipient patients gets a notification that links him to the received information. After receiving the message, the recipient can access the message only after authenticating his identity with a unique username and password. It is only after that that he can read the message, reply to it, and upload attachments.

HIPAA compliant text app is such a secure messaging solution that allows multiple parties to get involved in confidential conversations and reduce costs, increase productivity, and enhance workflows. Along with it, texting apps that work in compliance with HIPAA raises the standard of healthcare as the patients can receive laboratory results, diagnoses, physician consults and discharges by secure messaging.

What are the Benefits and Features of Secure Texting Apps?

Medical Texting AppMost of the features of secure texting apps have been developed with the aim of safeguarding sensitive communications and at the same time, complying with the HIPAA compliant texting regulations. The features of these apps have been known to offer many benefits to users. They are:

  • Medical professionals have the authority to access the app from any desktop computer or mobile device. This way they can receive information about the patients whenever they want with secure texting.
  • The users get delivery notifications and read receipts that confirm that the messages have been delivered and read by the recipient. The app eliminates the need for follow-up emails and phone tag.
  • The features like message lifespan, message recall, and remote wipe eliminate the threat of sensitive data being misused after the mobile device has been stolen or lost.
  • The secure texting apps are generally integrated with a corporate directory that allows administrators to manage accessibility settings so that users can easily find one another within their network.
  • The risk management analysis is accelerated because of the administer audit logs. It ensures that organizational policies related to the app use abide by the HIPAA compliance regulations.

All of these features and benefits are known for ensuring the integrity of ePHI, increasing productivity, enhancing employee workflows, and helping to raise the standard of patient healthcare in a better, cost-efficient manner.

What to Consider when Selecting a Secure Messaging Solution?

HIPPA AppTo make this important decision easier for you, here are five questions that administrators need to consider before selecting a secure messaging platform.

  • Is the platform HIPAA compliant?
    It is one of the important factors that you must consider when selecting a secure messaging platform. HIPAA guidelines are meant to ensure that the clients’ information remains secure and confidential.
  • How fast and efficient is communication?
    The speed of communication between healthcare providers and clients is of great importance that needs to be considered. The efficiency of the package is essential for better and faster communication.
  • How easy is the platform to use?
    Easier the platform is to use, better it will be for everyone. The types of devices that the platform supports is of great importance if you want to make sure that the platform you have chosen is right for you.
  • How thorough of an audit trail is provided by the platform?
    A detailed, actionable audit trail is one of the most important benefits of high quality selecting a secure messaging platform. A thorough audit trail can support accountability and PHI security.
App For HospitalsHow robust are the platform’s administrative tools?

Different healthcare organizations have unique messaging needs and the owners need to find out if the platform is fit for their organization. Look for robust, efficient administrative tools with your secure messaging platform.

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